The first event of Civil Career had been done by Bogazici University Construction Club in 2009. Civil Career is not a valid name in English, we found this name as a combination of “Career Days” and “Civil Engineering”. When we had our first event successfully, advisors and board members of the club decided to make Civil Career an annual event. Civil Career is a kind of seminary that puts civil engineering candidates in Turkey and the executives of leading construction firms of the sector together. By the way, it is categorized as a career day. Civil Career has 3 missions. Directive mission, It refers outstanding topics and amazing innovations in the sector . Educative mission, It teaches participants by technical topics and proves that by certificates. Complementary mission, It has minor events that make participants meet each other. Another goal of our club as Bogazici University Construction Club is increasing the number of participants and make Civil Career an international organization. Our Facebook page: